Home » » Powervu Keys of Sport 24 HD On NSS 12 and NSS 9 Satellite

Powervu Keys of Sport 24 HD On NSS 12 and NSS 9 Satellite

Sport TV Channel 24 is located at NSS satellites 12 and NSS 9 with lanes Power Vu. Currently 24 HD Sport are favored by television viewers in the whole world because he is broadcasting a very interesting exercise, such as BBVA Spanish League, Champions League and others.
Powevu Satellite Receiver
Powevu Satellite Receiver

I hope you enter the correct frequency code and get maximum signal of channel Sport 24 HD.
Satellite Name: NSS 12 at 57.0°E
Frequency 4137
Polarity: R
Symbol Rate: 15580 (C Band)
R = H
Type Receiver: Mpeg4/Hd (720p)/Power Vu

Satellite Name: NSS 9 at 177.0°W
Frequency 4100
Polarity: R
Symbol Rate: 24500 (C Band)
R = H
Type Receiver: Mpeg4/Hd (720p)/Power Vu

ECM Key Code (NSS 12 and NSS 9):
00= 9EAB 7FFD 1C8686
01= 61AA 343D F8FOC8

And others channel on NSS 12 are SKY SPORTS, COLORS TV

Please use the AutoRoll receiver, so that the code PowerVu ECM Key automatic updates!
Thank You.


  1. Sorry: I haven't Receiver: Mpeg4/Hd (720p)/Power Vu
    But I have Receiver MPEG-2/4,HD.264 Standard 1080p Power vu, so what I need to watch Sport24 Hd. (MNT Worldwide TV) ???? Please Help it.

  2. Please my Sony isn't coming did there change the keys if yes i need help 3900h2222 is the frequency

  3. my reciever is lifestar 4040 can i use this bisskey for sport24HD channel

  4. can anyone help with sony pv 3900

  5. Good day to you house members even though I am new here but I am a regular follower of your updates more grease to your elbows, MTN Sport 24 HD just changed their keys can someone please assist with the new keys?

    Thank you.

  6. pls can anyone help with the key? many thanks.

  7. help me with d powervu of MTN 24 HD sports currently

  8. Who has any info Salutation opened MTN 24 HD sports

  9. hello every1 sport24 is not working from last night, what should i do to get it back????

  10. Sport 24 scrambled in this time is there anyone having a solution?

  11. Sport 24 Scrambled since on Monday 29/01/2017... whats the way out?

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